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straight single man
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Vancouver, British Columbia
At 36 yrs. old, I'm in a middle management situation. If you need Auto parts that may be an plus for you to know me? Besides the obvious ultimate match that everyone looks for (both male/female) from their own perspective, I think I am quite straightforward and to the point. QUALITY TIME TOGETHER-good times; intimacy; but more importantly mutual suppport in life's bad times. Is that so hard for guys to admit?!?! Not for me. Sure I have my own personal quirks like everyone (male/female alike has) but that's what makes all of the human species unique. Now going on a tangent, Football (known as soccer by heathens) is the best sport-no debate required or accepted. I follow & have played most sports though & love to particpate where I can (even if I look silly). Intelligent but amusing conversation is key for me. With only a high-school education & real life opportunistic experiences (looked at as being inferior by society in general) under my belt, I've made some Masters students look silly, especially in political science & social issues/topics-the only egocentric blurb from me you'll see here I promise. I do not believe in the overabundance of materialism, superficiality & the consistent political/Canada-US FTA/NAFTA/WTO/George Bush media spin of social conformity for the masses that is killing humanity as it was once known. I'm very clear re opinions on many things but at the same time aware of today's reality. Thank God my parents are from the World War II generation. I believe in equality for all but that does not mean being a good man with principles should be thrown aside as irrelevant, uncool & sexist. I'm aiming long-term here. I hope you are too?