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Enjoy A Dating Hookup With Washington Womenin District of Columbia
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straight single man
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Hate meeting women in Bars!!
Washington, District of Columbia
Ha!, This is sort of like the "want-ads" in the newspaper! How does one describe one's self? Well...Honesty is the best policy. I'm a 28 year/old guy who has a secure job, average car-loan, and dresses modestly. I enjoy working outside, fishing, long drives through the country and sight-seeing in and around D.C. I'm a soldier who's stationed in Arlington, but I will not be leaving town for a few years (three year duty in Arlington). I enjoy casual dates...movies, dinners, lunches-- maybe even breakfast. I don't drink or do drugs, it's a choice not a preference. Usually, I have the evenings off, as well as most weekends! I enjoy writing quite a bit...am a little more sensitive than I care to be, but I believe it's a good trait. I try to be a good listener as well, but if the topic of discussion is petty, or just plain stupid, you're probably gonna fall on deaf ears! The biggest ambition I have now is to finish my college education. Started as a History degree with a in English, but I got hooked on Offshore fishing and quit school. I would like to go back to school and take engineering and diesel-mechanics courses so that when I complete my enlistment in the Service, I can go back to work on the Ocean. Never enjoyed the 9-5 deskjob! Sunsets over the Ocean are much more enjoyable. I've had many great experiences in Life, as well as the poor ones. All of which created a sense of Character which I am happy with. I believe I'm an old-soul. I don't care much for gossip and keep quite to myself. There is no want or need in my life for expensive toys or distractions. Keeping Life as simple as possible has proven to be of great benefit to me! Needs come first, Wants come second! I enjoy sitting-back and observing people, how they act, what they say, and learning from thier successes or failures. It makes me more aware of my good qualities, or personality flaws. I love just about every kind of music (except R+B, and gangster-rap).